WCs and WC seats
Twyford Avalon set of floor-standing WC with close-coupled exposed cistern, WC seat ring, handrinse basin, tap, handles and pull-down rail
6 Articles
Washdown WCs, raised
Spare parts
WCs and WC seats
Twyford Avalon set of floor-standing WC with close-coupled exposed cistern, WC seat ring, handrinse basin, tap, handles and pull-down rail
6 Articles
WCs and WC seats
Twyford Avalon set of floor-standing WC, back-to-wall, Rimfree, with WC seat ring, handrinse basin, tap, handles, pull-down rail and backrest
10 Articles
WCs and WC seats
Twyford Avalon set of floor-standing WC, Rimfree, with close-coupled exposed cistern, WC seat ring, handrinse basin, tap, handles and pull-down rail
4 Articles
WCs and WC seats
Twyford Avalon floor-standing WC, washdown, raised, back-to-wall, Rimfree
WCs and WC seats
Twyford Avalon set of floor-standing WC, Rimfree, with close-coupled exposed cistern, WC seat ring, handrinse basin, tap, handles and pull-down rail
5 Articles
WCs and WC seats
Twyford Avalon set of floor-standing WC with close-coupled exposed cistern, WC seat ring, handrinse basin, tap, handles and pull-down rail
2 Articles
WCs and WC seats
Twyford Avalon set of floor-standing WC with close-coupled exposed cistern, WC seat ring and handles
2 Articles
WCs and WC seats
Twyford Alcona floor-standing WC, washdown, back-to-wall, raised, horizontal outlet, Rimfree
WCs and WC seats
Twyford Avalon set of floor-standing WC, back-to-wall, Rimfree, with concealed cistern, WC seat ring and handles
5 Articles
WCs and WC seats
Twyford Avalon floor-standing WC, washdown, raised, back-to-wall, large projection, Rimfree
WCs and WC seats
Twyford Avalon floor-standing WC, washdown, raised, for exposed cistern, close-coupled or back-to-wall
WCs and WC seats
Twyford Option floor-standing WC for close-coupled exposed cistern, washdown, raised